Tuesday, October 04, 2005

WOW!!!!!! WHAT A WEEKEND!!!!!!!

My mind is still on overload........I was at an Evangelistic Conference this past weekend and had the pleasure of listening to many speakers and two of them being (1) Dr. Sinclair Ferguson and (2) Dr. John MacArthur.......it was FANTASTIC!!!!!! I have been fed with the spirit and inspiration from a BUFFETT of unbelievable magnitude....If you missed it,,,,,,,I apologize....I took my father-n-law, and a very close friend of mine...unfortunately my wife was not able to make it....just let me say this, if you ever have the opportunity to hear MacArthur in your area DON'T MISS IT!!!!! He teaches the Word for what the Word says. Oh, he also signed my recently purchased MacArthur Study Bible which I thought was COOL!!!! Alot of preachers and Evangelist are different when they are not in front of a camera but MacArthur is not one of them......he is a TRUE SHEPHARD led by The Spirit of our Great and Mighty GOD!!!